Politicians’ funds need revealing


You should include regular statistical data on our federal and state lawmakers to show contributions that they received in respect to the issues involved (“Change the Senate,” editorial, April 19)

For example, during debates on gun issues, you should report the amounts given to elected officials by organizations supporting and opposing legislation. The same should be done regarding legislation on immigration, taxes, subsidies for industries, Medicare and medical coverage, and corporations’ contributions to special interests.

A concerted effort by all media to emphasize facts rather than emotional issues will be an asset to the electorate.

We’re suffering through more difficult times than Americans deserve to be experiencing, because our elected officials are accepting “campaign contributions,” which disfranchise a large number of voters.




Submit a letter to the editor


Obama needs to reflect on self

Your April 19 editorial “Change the Senate” said the typical hunter doesn’t need a semiautomatic weapon. But a large percentage of firearms used for target shooting, hunting, and home defense are semiautomatic.

You also said that we need to keep weapons of war out of the hands of thugs and lunatics. Weapons of war are fully automatic. Fully automatic weapons have been illegal since 1934.

President Obama should worry about keeping terrorists and drug pushers from coming into this country from Mexico, or about our national debt, or answering questions about the Americans who were killed in our consulate in Libya. When President Obama talks about shame, he should look into a mirror.




Background check defeat saddening

I was saddened to read that our senators could not come to an agreement on background checks. It apparently is more important for these lawmakers to keep their National Rifle Association funds for their re-election campaigns than to help the citizens of America stay alive.

A background check would not interfere with an individual’s right to own a gun, just to ensure that the individual is not a criminal or has a mental-health issue. What is wrong with this, if it helps to keep us safer? This is just one small step in the bigger issue of gun control.

What is the NRA afraid of?


Monclova Township


Assault rifle OK, but yours for life

The writer of your March 31 commentary “The Blade buys assault rifle within 10 minutes” said he supports an assault-weapon ban. A ban will not make a difference. A criminal can still get a gun no matter how many laws we make.

A solution would be that if you own an assault weapon already, you can keep it. It must be registered. It is yours for life and can’t be sold or given to another person. When you die it must be surrendered to the government.

Eventually, assault weapons no longer will be in circulation.


Bond Street