Surveillance video shows its value


Law enforcement officials worked quickly to apprehend those who were identified as placing the bombs at the Boston Marathon, in part because of surveillance cameras (“Cracking the case; release of suspects’ images pays off but carries high price,” April 21). There can be no question as to the value of cameras.

Even if cameras are not monitored, the ability to go back to a certain area and view video is invaluable.

We cannot always prevent these types of terroristic atrocities from taking place at home or abroad. But we can ensure that we use today’s technology to provide law enforcement with the tools it needs to solve crime and protect our residents.


Toledo City Council One Government Center

Jackson Street


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Camera-nabbed drivers need voice

Drivers who challenge the authenticity of a red-light or speeding ticket should have the right to their day in court (“Bill could ban red-light cameras; Toledo mayor testifies in Columbus that devices save lives,” April 24).

The city must be able to provide footage of the alleged violation. If the city cannot or will not prove its claim, the ticket charges should be voided.

Toledo’s current system does not allow for drivers to contest these tickets in court. Fulfillment of our Fifth Amendment rights is only fair.

What happened to “innocent until proven guilty”? And don’t charge me for the right to prove my innocence.


Milburn Avenue


Red-light cameras help road safety

The letter writer who complained about “Big Brother” catching him breaking a traffic law said nothing about taking responsibility for his actions (“Traffic fines lead to Michigan,” Readers’ Forum, April 6).

I have seen too many people running stop signs and stoplights to feel much sympathy. If surveillance cameras cause people to think twice about their actions, they are worth it.

A few years ago in Indiana, a camera caught me running a red light at an intersection. The video showed that I was behind a semi-trailer that blocked my view of the light. I paid the $50 fine because technically I had run a red light.

I did not cry about “Big Brother.” Isn’t it the job of big brothers to help you learn to understand and obey the rules of life?


Dundee, Mich.


Seniors should fight shift to CPI

Senior citizens should become activists to keep Social Security cost-of-living adjustments from being tied to the chained consumer price index (“Social Security, Medicare get cut in Obama budget; Liberals horrified as deal sought with GOP over economy,” April 11). The shift to chained CPI would substantially reduce the amount of Social Security checks.

Cost-of-living adjustments provide an increase for most years, to keep up with the increased costs of everything seniors need, especially medicine, food, utilities, and car expenses.

Chained CPI would decrease benefits and the chance to live in a fairly stable way, as prices continually rise.


Valleybrook Boulevard