Against same-sex marriage


We have seen so much acceptance and even praise for gays coming out that we are becoming hopelessly ignorant of the hedonistic reality and the dangers posed to public health and human society. It is daft to presume that homosexuality is inborn, and terrible to blame the Creator.

Approval of gay marriage by the U.S. Supreme Court may well cause a great and harmful division in our society, crossing all racial lines. There will be confusion and contention when we most need to come together to stop some of the dysfunction of our government.


Foxbourne Road


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Reason banished?

According to the May 4 Blade article “NRA is told culture war looms,” it seems that the National Rifle Association has mutated into another supremacist hate group. 

Some Republican congressmen want to make sure we arm the “right” people in Syria, so that those weapons are not one day used against us. Yet here at home, they see no problem with arming the mentally ill, or even terrorists.

When I saw the lineup of speakers at the NRA convention, I wondered whether reasonable Republicans were barred from the convention this year. I was surprised to see Ted Nugent there. According to him, he should be dead or in prison by now.

Phonies, every one of them.




Spend Syrian aid at home

The Obama Administration is going to send another $123 million to Syria (“U.S. providing Syrian rebels $123 million in new nonlethal aid, may include armor,” April 20).

Most of these funds will be administered by United Nations agencies. Just how much of it will actually get to the people who need it? Will this aid also include cash payments to civilians?

This money would be better spent on medical assitance for our service people who come home wounded and disabled. They need help first.

There is plenty of need right here at home. It’s time to think of our own for once.




The Aussie connection

After working a Blade crossword with Australian clues (kangaroo and didgeridoo), making a second visit to the Toledo Museum of Art’s wonderful exhibition of Australian art, and planning a visit to the Toledo Zoo for the opening of its Australian Walkabout exhibit, I am feeling very much at home in my adopted city of Toledo.

Perhaps we could expand the links even further by encouraging Australia’s airline Qantas to base its U.S. operations and maintenance at our ailing airport. Its runway caters to the biggest jets, and costs here would no doubt be cheaper than in the U.S. cities to which Qantas currently flies. That would be something our mayor could get his teeth into, without the problems of interpreters.

Australians, like Americans, do speak a form of English. From an economic point of view, their country is one of the most prosperous in today’s economy. Importantly, their business ethics are similar to ours. If needed, I’d be very happy to interpret if the mayor visited Australia.

One other thought: How about a two-for-one ticket for visitors to the zoo and the Toledo Museum of Art? That would bring even more patrons, and further the Australian feel that Toledo is rapidly acquiring.


Manoa Lane North


Ask his sons about retraining

Several years ago, one of my sons lost his job because of competition from Mexico. He retrained at Owens Community College as he was supposed to do, and graduated with high honors in quality control.

Today, he is two years underemployed, living at home, and trying to pay off his student loans. There are no proper Toledo jobs for a man who followed the script.

Two years ago, another son left for Texas with high hopes. Texas was supposed to be an employment hotbed. My son’s fledgling lawn service went broke because illegal immigrants were willing to mow grass at half the amount he felt he had to charge.

Retraining? Immigration reform? Talk to my sons.

