Writer needs an education


I was stunned by Blade Associate Editor Keith C. Burris’ May 5 column, “Gangs in Toledo: Where do we go from here?”, which encouraged the Toledo Police Department to adopt David Kennedy’s proven “Ceasefire” model.

Stunned because the Toledo Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (T-CIRV) has been up and running for more than a year.

Blade reporters have been present at all T-CIRV court call-ins. The entire program was outlined to The Blade at a meeting prior to its launch in 2012.

A column by Blade Editor David Kushma, “Toledo’s urgent message: Cease fire,” dated April 15th, 2012, describes Toledo’s cease-fire program. This is an important community collaboration geared toward addressing violent gang crime.

I encourage Mr. Burris to use his print space for accurate, educational columns and editorials, rather than to admonish the ongoing hard work of many in Toledo.


Chief Toledo Police Department


Submit a letter to the editor


‘Gitmo’ cartoon inappropriate

The Blade’s May 13 political cartoon by Rob Rogers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was way out of line.

The instances of captivity in Cleveland and Guantanamo Bay are not related in any way.

The three women in Cleveland were held against their will, tortured, and used as sex slaves through no fault of their own.

Comparing their circumstances to those imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay who are terrorists is a disservice to the women.

Whoever thought to print this slap in the face should be retrained.




Reckless speech or demolition?

Would Jan Sorgenfrei, spokesman for the city of Toledo, have us believe that the reason that debris from the demolition of the house at 721 East Broadway (“Rubble sometimes lingers long after homes torn down,” May 14) has not been cleaned up is that the city is waiting for gas and electric service to be shut off?

If that’s the case, should we then assume that the city brings in heavy equipment and demolishes houses while the gas and electricity are still on?

No wonder the neighbors are upset.

