Mayor’s priorities misaligned


As I read your May 23 article “Bell vetoes council’s aid to 4 agencies,” I wondered why Toledo Mayor Mike Bell has no problem asking for city money to pay for his excursions to Japan, China, and Germany, but can’t see the need to support the most vulnerable people in this community.

Mr. Bell has provided no reasonable explanations of how his extensive travels have benefited Toledo or surrounding areas. He also has had no problem doling out raises and using city vehicles, while raising refuse-collection and water and sewer rates for the residents he supposedly serves.

With service like this, I am not surprised that Toledo’s population continues to drop. Should Mr. Bell deem another distant trip necessary to benefit Toledo’s economic outlook, perhaps he would do well to purchase a one-way fare.


Beechway Boulevard


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Bell dodges issue of population loss

In response to your May 23 article “Toledo’s population slips again”: Mayor Bell dodged the issue by bringing up the city’s budget. What has the budget got to do with the consistent decrease of Toledo’s population?

People are leaving Toledo because of the city’s high unemployment and crime rates, which are issues the mayor cannot dance around.


Islington Street


Chrysler’s news not entirely good

I applaud Chrysler Group LLC for hiring 1,105 more employees to build Jeeps at the Toledo Assembly Complex, but Chrysler is on track to build Jeeps in China also (“Cherokee to be built in China; Chrysler to produce newly designed model by end of 2014,” April 23).

During last year’s presidential election campaign, Republic nominee Mitt Romney said Jeeps would be made in China, and he was verbally assaulted by Democrats. It seems to me he knew what he was talking about.

Chrysler took a loan from taxpayers to keep auto workers’ jobs. Why should we reward Chrysler by buying its vehicles when it builds a factory in China?

Ford Motor Co. is the only American-owned automaker that did not take taxpayers’ money for a bailout. The only vehicle I am buying from now on is a Ford. Ford seems to truly care about America.


Springfield Township


Horse’s obituary improperly placed

Maybe the April 25 obituary for Storm Cat, the thoroughbred stallion that passed away, should have been in “Today’s Log” instead of “Deaths Elsewhere,” so your readers could view all the dead animals at a glance.

