Relics article heavy on opinion


Blade Religion Editor TK Barger’s article on relics belonged on the Pages of Opinion (“Questions need to be asked, but respect always there,” June 1).

References to skepticism, however respectful, give away the purpose of the article, and it is clearly not news reporting. The clever mixing of reporting and opinion in this article is disingenuous.

Furthermore, it was unfair to those who were holding the event. Since Mr. Barger gave his opinion, those who held the event ought to be afforded the same opportunity.


Grantwood Drive


Submit a letter to the editor


Religious ‘relics’ no basis for faith

As a child at St. Adalbert elementary school, I recall a priest who, upon his return from the Vatican, passed around a sliver of wood said to be from the cross of Christ. We examined the splinter and were awestruck, like all indoctrinated Catholic schoolchildren would be.

I hope that priest didn’t pay much for the relic, because I think he was swindled. I was reminded of that experience as I read Mr. Barger’s article.

I share his puzzlement. How can I be diplomatic and respectful when I am faced with religious fallacies that carry no more spiritual significance than those offered by a witch doctor?

Even if the iconic relics in question were authentic, attributing spiritual power to them is a false concept — and dangerous to the spiritual well-being of believers.

Spiritual maturity is not acquired by osmosis. If I worshipped a baseball Mark McGwire hit out of the park for a record-breaking home run, I wouldn’t suddenly become a major league slugger.


Franklin Avenue


Counterfeit drug bill supported

The dangers of counterfeit drugs are real and growing each year. Without a uniform national standard, patients could be exposed to counterfeit drugs in their local pharmacies.

I applaud U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R., Bowling Green) for introducing the Safeguarding America’s Pharmaceuticals Act. This bill would provide a national solution to combat counterfeit drugs in the supply chain, and has gained support from congressmen in both parties.

As a law enforcement officer who works to reduce prescription drug alteration and counterfeiting to keep our citizens safe, I support a uniform system that would allow for a track-and-trace process of finished prescription drugs throughout the domestic distribution supply chain.

The act would provide a strong defense against criminals who profit from contaminating or stealing medicines that are intended for patients.


Sheriff Wood County

Bowling Green


Ethics pledge part of Ohio law

Toledo residents who extend plaudits to mayoral candidates for campaign ethics pledges not to accept contributions from city government workers should note that the issue is addressed in state law (“McNamara ethics vow lauded,” Readers’ Forum, May 23).

Any mayoral candidate who pledges not to solicit political contributions from the city’s employees is merely following the law.

