Letters to the Editor

President fails to back Constitution


Which is more important, defending the Constitution or the President’s agenda? Your May 29 editorial “Amid ‘scandals,’ governing” says that the scandals in Washington are politically manufactured hysteria and that President Obama is doing his job.

You suggest that the President should get on with his agenda. At least two of the scandals include acts that violate constitutional rights; the President pledged to uphold the Constitution at his inauguration.

President Obama tells us the buck stops with him, so should he ignore the scandals? Does anyone think this will make them go away? If the President wants to neutralize Republicans, he must act openly and swiftly to clean up this mess.

It is hard to believe that low-level Internal Revenue Service workers were totally independent of direction from leaders in Washington.

If President Obama wants to regain the people’s confidence, he must get the government running with the honesty and transparency he promised us. Otherwise, there will be no headway on his second-term agenda.


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Consumer rise not out of confidence
In response to your May 29 article “Consumer confidence up in May”: If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

We are spending more money now because we are trying to dispose of it before the dollar becomes worthless.

Gibsonburg, Ohio


Local air traffic controllers grateful
Over the past months, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association local at Toledo Express Airport has been working with the community to provide input to the Federal Aviation Administration about the agency’s study of the possible elimination of air traffic control services from Toledo Express during overnight hours (“Toledo Express to keep overnight air traffic control,” May 8).

Fortunately, the findings of the FAA’s study made strong business and safety cases for keeping the Toledo air traffic control tower open and staffed continuously. Our community’s submissions helped to form and validate those results.

The Toledo air traffic controllers express a heartfelt thank-you to all who worked with us to preserve local air traffic control service.

Laurel Oak Lane

Editor’s note: The writer is president of the Toledo Express Airport local of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.


Bicycle helmet assistance lauded
My thanks to ProMedica’s Toledo Children’s Hospital for partnering with the Ohio chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics to help promote Bike Helmet Safety Awareness Week last month by hosting a helmet giveaway.

The Toledo community’s participation was critical in helping the Ohio AAP encourage adults and children to wear helmets while they are bicycling. Bike helmets save lives and prevent injuries.

Co-chairman Injury Prevention CommitteeAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
Ohio Chapter Worthington, Ohio