Publish addresses of criminals


Your lust for gun-grabbing has clouded your judgment (“Off target,” editorial,” June 25).

What do you hope to accomplish by publishing the names and addresses of law-abiding citizens who have legally obtained a license to carry a firearm? Do you think you’ll make the streets safer by telling criminals where the guns are kept, so they can steal them while law-abiding citizens are at work, where they’re not usually allowed to carry a weapon?

You’d serve the public better by publishing the names and locations of convicted criminals who live in our neighborhoods. These are the people gun owners are trying to protect their families from.


Lima Avenue


Submit a letter to the editor


Jacobs should quit over clinics issue

University of Toledo President Lloyd Jacobs should step down, because by succumbing to extortion by Ohio Right to Life and state Rep. Lynn Wachtmann (R., Napoleon), he has betrayed the public trust (“Decision costs UT endowment; Jacobs’ rejection of abortion clinics’ pact leads ex-prof to alter will,” June 6).

Dr. Jacobs has excluded two Toledo abortion clinics from the necessary transfer agreements he grants to every other outpatient center. This is blatant discrimination and places an undue burden on area women.

His lack of concern and medical integrity makes him unfit to run a university, much less a medical college and teaching hospital.

And by putting politics before the health and welfare of women, ProMedica leadership should be next to go.


Sabra Road


UT’s abortion stand questioned

Dr. Jacobs said he wanted to keep the University of Toledo Medical Center neutral on the abortion debate, but he began this mess by caving in to Michael Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life (“Abortion backers oppress Ohioans,” Readers’ Forum, June 23).

How does an institution participate in “the abortion business” — as Mr. Gonidakis wrote in his letter to the editor — by providing medical care to a person who experiences complications after a legal medical procedure?

I would also like to know how Mr. Gonidakis got appointed to the state medical board. We can thank Gov. John Kasich for that one.


Carey, Ohio


End to clinic pact no mark against UT

In response to the letter writer who will discourage her children from attending UT because of President Jacobs’ cancellation of a medical transfer agreement with Capital Care Network: If you choose an institution of higher learning based on abortion services, I can only say, wow (“Writing UT out of will praised,” Readers’ Forum, June 30).

As a Catholic, nurse, and proud parent of a UT graduate, I applaud UT and President Jacobs’ decision.

Any young women who needs health care should consult her primary care physician, an obstetrics and gynecology doctor, or a campus health center. Add a clergyman to that list.

UT will be a beneficiary in my will.

