Letters to the Editor

Saying that gay is OK is misleading


Your June 29 editorial “Law and culture” about same-sex marriage incorrectly said that a decade of cultural change by our country’s youth is positive.

In reality, our young people have been duped by the misuse of the acceptance and tolerance mantras promoted by radical liberals to indoctrinate our children with the homosexual agenda.

Are we going to follow their lead and disregard God? Civilizations, cultures, cities, and multitudes of individuals have been destroyed by opposing God’s simple directives for a fulfilling life. God’s word is clear: Homesexuality is a sin. It is not a license for a lifestyle.

People choose to become a thief, murderer, liar, adulterer, or cheat, among other negative things. We are all different and struggle with our unique temptations to sin. But we don’t stop trying just because, as many say to defend their choice: We were born this way.



Lawmakers ignore those in need

A majority in our state legislature assumes moral superiority (“Abortion law: Both sides of debate find Ohio decision to be historic; New budget puts restriction on access,” July 8). While espousing their Christian values, lawmakers slipped the most formidable abortion restrictions in the country into the state budget.

That budget also denies health insurance coverage to Ohio’s most needy, dismisses the fact that many women depend on Planned Parenthood for the only health care they get ignores the fact that little kids are going hungry, and egregiously slashes funds for homeless and mentally disabled residents of the state.

Lawmakers did not impose any additional pittance of taxation on the oil and gas industries, even though those tax dollars might ease the burden shouldered by those of us with the least. Those lawmakers worry that they might not get the donations necessary to fill their campaign coffers.

I am tired of so-called representatives legislating their personal and perhaps bought and paid for morals, without giving any thought to the plight of those who are truly suffering.


Shoreland Avenue

Hire local grads to cut ‘brain drain’

I have one answer to the decrease in local population and the brain drain: Hire local college graduates (“Ohio’s ‘brain drain’ may be slowing,” June 18).

My son, who graduated 13th in his class in 2009 from Whitmer High School and is an Eagle Scout, will be graduating next month from Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering.

He would love to come back to this area, where his family lives, but he can’t get an interview here. Nor have many companies responded to the letters and resumés he’s sent.

It’s sad. We cannot remedy the population decrease without welcoming back our graduates with employment.


Rambo Lane


Syrians hate us; why help them?

Syrians were dancing in the streets on Sept. 11, 2001, and now we’re helping some of them (“Arm rebels — then what?”, guest editorial, June 18)?

Let them have at each other. If we let them play it out on their own, they’ll have each other to hate. That will be a nice distraction from hating just us.

We should stay out of Syria.

