PETA aims to end pet euthanasia


Media coverage has suggested that the solution to dog and cat overpopulation lies with so-called no-kill shelters (“PETA kills,” editorial, July 17). But people who are engaged in real sheltering work know that “no kill” creates even more problems for animals. “No birth” is where we must focus.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has a small division that does hands-on work in Virginia and North Carolina. Most of the animals we take in are abused, sick, elderly, aggressive, unsocialized, or otherwise unadoptable.

We transfer most adoptable animals who come our way to other adoption facilities to take in animals who have been rejected by their “owners” or other shelters, even though this lowers our adoption numbers and raises our euthanasia figures.

No-kill proponents don’t tell the public that most no-kill shelters turn animals away, send unadoptable animals to open-admission shelters such as PETA’s so that they can keep their own euthanasia rates low, and otherwise turn their backs on the animals who need them.

PETA works to end euthanasia by spaying and neutering for free or at a low cost. Through our ads, we educate millions of people about animal adoption and the importance of sterilization. Our field workers are on the road every day and on call 24/​7 to help abused and neglected animals.

But we need everyone’s help. People should spay and neuter their dogs and cats, adopt from shelters, and never buy animals from pet stores or breeders.

Animal Care and Control Specialist People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Norfolk, Va.

SUBMIT a Letter to the Editor


Protest photo didn’t reflect story
Your July 15 story “Zimmerman’s acquittal fuels tension, protests” said there were “no reports of violence or arrests at any of the dozens of demonstrations.” Yet you opted to use a picture of a protester throwing a trash can at a store window in Oakland.

The call was for calm, restraint, and peace after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin. Why did you throw fuel on a fire that may burn itself out?

Sylvania Township


Can’t we all just get along?
Attorney General Eric Holder is considering federal charges against Mr. Zimmerman (“U.S. charges in Martin case risky; Experts: Hate crimes not easy to prove,” July 16).

The only hate in this case is coming from the left. There have been threats against Mr. Zimmerman.

Can’t we all just get along?

Westbrook Drive


Time to leave Zimmerman alone
Justice was served and Mr. Zimmerman was acquitted. The Justice Department may go after him on charges of federal civil rights violations.

The Founding Fathers would consider this double jeopardy, a blatant abuse of our justice system. Yet this tactic has been allowed for the sake of political correctness.

Swanton Township