Fracking column fuels fear


Marilou Johanek’s July 22 op-ed column, “Enjoy Ohio’s natural beauty; here comes fracking to ruin it,” is riddled with fear mongering from the Sierra Club. Its laughable opening salvo makes it sound as if Ohio soon will become a wasteland.

Injecting fluids thousands of feet below the surface will not have an iota of impact on Ohio’s natural treasures, except for a few acres used to drill and operate each disposal well.

If there were any credibility to the dire consequences in Ms. Johanek’s and the Sierra Club’s statements, it would have been borne out by the approximately 144,000 disposal wells in the country.


Garden Estates Drive


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Gay people want rights like others

Where do radical liberals get their mantras of acceptance and tolerance (“Fairness at work,” editorial, July 19)? Throw in the mantra of love and it starts to sound like that early radical, Jesus Christ.

How did homosexuality become the biggest terror to Christian conservatives? God gave us the Ten Commandments as His list of the most important things to Him. The list does not mention homosexuality.

Americans whom God created as homosexuals would like the same constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that we grant to the people God created as heterosexual. It seems pretty basic.

Let’s try those mantras of acceptance, tolerance, and love that Jesus taught us. Thank God the Son He sent us was not a conservative.




Gun laws won’t work; faith will

Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was injured in a 2011 shooting, is rallying support for more restrictions on guns (“Armed and forgetful,” editorial, July 15). But those who are doing the shooting and killing are able to secure guns with or without these laws.

In the 1960s, our government began to de-Christianize society by removing prayer from schools. Other mandates robbed our culture of the Christian basis on which our society was founded. Now our society is crumbling.

The de-Christianization of our country has caused the dehumanization of the nation. More gun control is not the answer. Christ is the answer.


Belmar Avenue


Government trying to bankrupt elderly

The Federal Reserve wants to keep savings rates low and inflation at 2 percent a year (“Fed staying the course on stimulus; Chairman says Congress major obstacle to growth,” July 18). President Obama wants to limit the growth of cost-of-living benefits for those on Social Security.

I guess the government wants to bankrupt all seniors on a fixed income.


Sylvania Township