Ford has done well by Toledo


Keith Burris’ Aug. 8 commentary, “Would-be mayors could learn from Ford,” hit the nail on the head. Mr. Ford has done many wonderful things for the people of Toledo — not just people he knows, but also people in need he’s heard about.

Even during his illness, he did not stop helping others. Service is not out of style. Toledo can use tons of it.

Oak Alley Court

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Collins defended on racial profiling
I was upset by Keith Burris’ Aug. 7 commentary, “No clear winner, but a few sparks.” Mr. Burris said that D. Michael Collins is a poor mayoral candidate, apparently because Mr. Collins said he did not believe there is racial profiling in Toledo.

I am a retired 30-year veteran of the Toledo Police Department and a former partner of Mr. Collins in the drug unit. I concur with Mr. Collins’ statement.

The Police Department uses offender or criminal profiling that encompasses many factors including dress, interactions, and associations. Race is just one included factor. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in U.S. vs. Armstrong in 1996 that racial profiling is constitutional.

Mr. Collins is the true independent in the race for mayor. He owes nothing to any special-interest group or political party.

People who are either satisfied with the status quo or looking for a novice to train as mayor should vote for Mike Bell or Anita Lopez, respectively. People who want real change should vote for Mr. Collins.

Philmar Drive


Invite all mayoral hopefuls to debate
If The Blade is going to sponsor a debate, all of the certified Toledo mayoral candidates should be invited (“Mayoral debate set for Sept. 4; Blade, Channel 13 to host event featuring major candidates,” Aug. 6).

The debate should not be just among the candidates The Blade wants to hear from. Corporations and news media allow what they want the public to hear. This is tearing the country apart.

If The Blade cannot allow all candidates to be heard, I’ll cancel my subscription, because I will not pay for something I don’t abide by.

4th Street


Public should hear from all candidates
It is unfair not to include all candidates in the debate. It’s an injustice and a disservice to the public to deny equal opportunity for all candidates to participate.

The public deserves to hear the views of all candidates, not just the select few chosen by the media.

Herst Road