Mayoral debate limited


The Blade and its media partner, WTVG-TV, Channel 13, will be holding their own primary by arbitrarily limiting the field in tonight’s Toledo mayoral debate to whom they see as the top four candidates: incumbent Mike Bell and challengers Anita Lopez, D. Michael Collins, and Joe McNamara.

Conspicuously absent from the debate will be independent Alan Cox and Libertarian Michael Konwinski. I am treasurer of Citizens for Konwinski 2013. The two most conservative voices in the race for mayor will not be heard at the debate.

Although it is appropriate for The Blade and WTVG to limit the debate to candidates with rational ideas for Toledo, the exclusion of Mr. Cox and Mr. Konwinski borders on journalistic malpractice.

Between them, Mr. Cox and Mr. Konwinski have more than five decades of service with the City of Toledo. They are nontraditional candidates with a real vision for the future of our city.

Although The Blade and WTVG are private institutions that can invite whom they wish to their debate, a free press in a free society has an obligation to its citizens. Censorship should not be on the agenda.

Elmhurst Road


Lopez, McNamara contradict selves
Your Aug. 14 article “Lopez gets endorsement by women’s organization” said that Toledo mayoral candidate Anita Lopez got an endorsement from Emily’s List. That organization is very ​pro-abortion.

Spokesmen for Ms. Lopez and mayoral candidate Joe McNamara stated that the candidates support abortion rights. The article also stated that both candidates are Catholic and churchgoers.

I am Catholic. The Catholic Church, as well as other religious faiths, are pro-life and believe that life is precious from conception until natural death.

Apparently these liberal Democratic Catholic candidates have chosen their party beliefs over their Catholic faith. They forgot that you can’t be ​pro-abortion and pro-life at the same time.

Monclova Township


Columnist fails to see female abuse
It is remarkable that Maureen Dowd wrote that Huma Abedin stands by her husband, Anthony Weiner, because she “was raised in Saudi Arabia, where women are treated worse by men than anywhere else on the planet” (“Weiner’s wife mirrors Hillary Clinton, but he’s no Bill,” op-ed column, July 30).

Ms. Dowd needs to open her eyes: Women’s rights are abused in this country.

There is human trafficking of females for sex at young ages. Many low-income women have fewer places to receive health care.

Women are physically and mentally abused by husbands and boyfriends. Many of those women are afraid to leave these relationships. Often law enforcement officers can’t do anything about domestic violence until something drastic happens.

Ms. Dowd should wake up to what’s happening to women in America.

Bowling Green


Bicyclist has more good luck
I have a footnote to your Aug. 22 story “Officer reunited bike with rider, 74.” I am a social worker who is familiar with Norma Johnson, the subject of your story.

Two nephews of a neighbor of Ms. Johnson surprised her with a trip to Wal-Mart to pick out a new bike, at their expense. Ms. Johnson’s luck just keeps getting better.

Woodbriar Drive