Support for attack hypocritical


Blade Editor David Kushma’s column promoting war in Syria (“Syrian mass murder must have consequences,” Sept. 8) takes hypocrisy to an art form. 

If the President’s name were Bush, Mr. Kushma would be screaming. Since the name is Obama, it is suddenly acceptable to be the world’s policeman despite opposition from the American people and most of the world community. 

When the Iraq war started, we had a significant coalition of allies. Now, we have virtually none. Iraq became very unpopular, but at the start, the majority of Americans favored the action. Now, the vast majority of Americans oppose this action. 

This is the highlight of the Obama Administration. The President did finally make a decision. And then, of course, he punted to Congress so that he would have somebody else to blame.


Assad like Hitler in the ’30s, ’40s
The world was so appalled by the use of lethal gas in World War I that in 1928, most nations agreed that it should never be unleashed again. It is a silent and indiscriminate killer.

A dictator in Syria, much like the one in Europe in the ’30s and ’40s, wants to hold onto power by any means.

It is time for the statesmen in Congress and the world to understand this.



President Obama is not a leader
In response to your Sept. 8 story “Obama asks nation to OK Syria strike; E.U. pushing for delay until U.N. finishes report”: 

Can you imagine President Harry Truman asking permission to bomb Hiroshima? Or Dwight Eisenhower waiting for the people’s OK to storm the beaches of Normandy? 

It’s been said that in politics, you should lead, follow, or get out of the way. It seems pretty clear in which category this president belongs.

River Road


If we attack Syria, what is the goal?
If we do attack Syria, what is the end goal? If Assad falls, who will be in charge? The extremists who murder opposing Muslims and then persecute Christians and burn their churches?

Mr. Obama and Congress had better take a long look at what may lie ahead if they use force; it might be World War III. They should collaborate with the United Nations on a safer solution to stop the use of chemical weapons. It can and must be done.



Attack will spur hatred of U.S.
I am sick of war. We invaded Iraq and left a quagmire. We invaded Afghanistan and left corruption. The United States accomplished nothing, at the cost of thousands of young lives and billions of dollars. If we pursue an attack, it will only cause more hatred toward our country.

Foxcroft Road