Letters to the Editor

Hillary helped Bill get to top


Columnist George Will’s statement that Hillary Clinton “married her way to the upper reaches of American politics” is not only ludicrous, but also incorrect (“Clinton. Christie. Cringe.,” op-ed column, Sept. 10). She is part of the reason Bill Clinton got to the top.

Trivializing her accomplishments and suggesting that the women’s movement is desperate for a cause are just a small taste of what we can expect from her critics over the next 2½ years.

Mr. Will also doesn’t approve of a popular possible candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, for the Republicans because he is not “elegant” enough.

If Republicans continue searching for someone elegant enough, male enough, upper-class enough, or whatever other enough they’re looking for, they’re going to be sorely disappointed in 2016.




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Have prisoners work on farms

In response to your Sept. 7 editorial “Prison payoff” about giving prisoners opportunities to start a business: Another idea would be to put them to work on prison farms to help offset the cost of having to feed them.

These criminals would learn that prison is not idle time to plot and scheme. Honest work makes for better citizens when they get out and lessens the tax burden on honest taxpayers.




Construction crew thanked for respect

On Sept. 5, my family was part of a funeral procession for a close friend, a 92-year-old World War II veteran. It was led by a hearse with the United States Army insignia on the side.

A road construction crew was working at the corner of Glendale and South Detroit avenues. As the procession turned the corner, the workers stood and paused for a few moments, removing their hard hats until the last car passed.

I don’t know who you were, but please know that your considerate, respectful gesture was noticed and appreciated.


Bowling Green


City police should get Chryslers

I don’t think it reflects well on Toledo to buy Fords for the Toledo Police Department (“Toledo police get $3.5M fleet; Ford Interceptor line of SUVs, sedans only sold to authorities,” Sept. 5).

Chrysler, which has been here for years and employs thousands of workers, should have been the only choice. I don’t see Toledo pride in buying a product made in Michigan.


Gunckel Boulevard