Syria brings to mind Vietnam


Syria does not pose a threat to the United States; nor did Vietnam (“In Syria, we need to keep rattling the saber,” op-ed column, Sept. 13).

I served in Vietnam in an infantry company. Our involvement there started with advisers and military aid. We all know what happened after that: The United States was drawn into a war that cost thousands of American lives.

Congress should vote against any military action in Syria. What starts with cruise missiles can easily lead to the commitment of our regular forces in a disastrous regional conflict.

Sylvania Township

Obamacare seems to be too costly
I was dismayed after reading your front-page story about the rise in health-care premiums (“Health-care costs trump wage gains; But premium increases modest for employers,” Aug. 21).

I have been in business for more than 30 years. If I don’t change the policy or deductible for anyone on my company’s health-care plan, I will suffer a 26.5 percent increase in premiums this year. Inflation is about 2 percent, so this is 13 times the current rate of inflation. How long do you think I will be able to stay in business and pay health-care increases such as this?

Obamacare is a disaster to our country, employers, and employees. Can’t we have an honest discussion about the failed policy of the so-called Affordable Care Act?

Sylvania Township


Good politics will keep benefits alive
I hear from 20- and 30-year-olds that Social Security and Medicare won’t be there when they retire. I heard the same comments when I was 20 years old and 30 years old.

I’m 64. Two years of earned and needed benefits have been delivered. Next year, I will happily and deservedly begin to enjoy my Medicare benefits.

How did Social Security survive? Basic politics. America elected strong majorities of Democrats who opted to do something. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed Social Security reforms into law.

So if you’re that 20- or 30-year-old who believes the life-saving benefits of Social Security and Medicare won’t be there for you, do something about it. Send lawmakers to Washington who will do something to sustain these programs, and reject any politician who chooses to do nothing.

Oak Grove Place


Lawmakers failing on the job
I am appalled that our government would stop the payroll of our soldiers who are protecting us, Social Security to those who have been paying into it all their working lives, and jobless benefits to those who are unfortunate enough to have gotten caught up in the mess caused by the rich and our government officials (“Budget uncertainty builds in D.C.,” Aug. 24).

Why not cut the pay of those elected officials who are spending their time playing politics and can’t get the job done?

Those of us in the real world would lose our jobs if we acted like these lawmakers.

Bapst Avenue