Letters to the Editor

B.G. needs to be wary of fracking


Voters in Bowling Green this November should approve a Community Bill of Rights that would ban all gas and oil extraction, including hydraulic fracturing — fracking — within city limits (“B.G. council unanimously passes ban on fracking; City ordinance’s strength is untested,” Sept. 17).

If Bowling Green doesn’t quickly get some effective control over any possible oil and gas extraction activity in the city, it may suffer the same fate as other Ohio cities, especially in the eastern part of the state, where fracking is scheduled to begin.

A city ordinance came about in response to the bill of rights, but some people fear the ordinance would not stand up in court. Opponents to the bill of rights say the ordinance is fine as is, but people shouldn’t be fooled — the bill of rights should be passed to ensure a clean, safe environment for Bowling Green.


Bowling Green


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Profiling a fact of life that works

“Profiling” has become a dirty word by many, describing it as racist and unfair (“Stop-frisk policy violates rights, judge says,” Aug. 13). One needs to consider how and why it is used.

Police develop a profile of a criminal and use it to find possible suspects, no matter the race or national origin. Insurance companies may profile heavy people or smokers for higher rates, because statistics prove they are likely to have more health issues than others. Federal authorities use profiling to find terrorists.

All of us are fit into a profile of one form or another by government, health, or sales companies. Profiling works to catch criminals, reduce costs, and sell products.

We may not like the idea of fitting a profile, but it keeps us safer, healthier, and saves money by improving efficiency. Profiling is needed because it works.


Springfield Township


Attention to water fund issue lauded

Northwest Ohio residents owe a debt of thanks to the writer of the Aug. 12 Readers’ Forum letter “City utility funds used improperly?” for his suggestion that Toledo utility funds may have been used improperly while water and sewer facilities were in need of critical maintenance.

We now know that the years of neglecting these facilities has created a burden for residents in the city and surrounding communities. Communities now served by Toledo have expressed their concerns to local and state politicians since 2009 over the increasing cost of this neglect.

Toledo has found it convenient to blame the federal Environmental Protection Agency for the excessive current and future costs associated with the upgrading of its facilities.

If the letter writer is correct in suggesting that funds have been improperly used, it is time for an objective state or federal investigation of what has occurred.


Perrysburg Township


Obituary page appropriate spot

It was interesting that The Blade put the announcement of Joe McNamara’s resignation as chairman of the Lucas County Democratic Party’s central committee on the obituary page (“McNamara steps down from party committee,” Sept. 13). His political future belongs there as a result of the campaign for mayor that he ran.

