Letters to the Editor

Shed light on other schools


There has been much in the media about the new grading system for traditional schools, but little about charter or community school grades. The only reference to such schools in your Aug. 27 editorial “Making the grade” was: “Local charter schools continued to vary in academic quality.” Utilizing the link in your Aug. 23 news article, I researched 36 schools identified as academies, charter, or community schools in Lucas County. Their grade for standards met varied from 83.3 percent (30) receiving F’s or no report, 8.3 percent (3) receiving A’s, and 2.8 percent (1) each for B, C, and D grades.

I am not against these schools. What I ask is that all publicly funded schools are given the same treatment in the media.

As a former public school educator, I know traditional schools are not the answer for every student. Some charter and community schools do an excellent job.

We need to support all educators in their efforts.

When reporting on achievement or comparing schools and districts, the media should give a fair presentation of results.


Swanton, Ohio

Editor’s note: The writer is a retired superintendent of Swanton Local Schools.


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Pike-Delta-York notes stature

Pike-Delta-York Local School District achieved an “Excellent with Distinction” rating in 2011-12 from the Ohio Department of Education (“Ohio releases letter grades for schools,” Aug. 23). This followed “Excellent” ratings in four of the previous five years, despite serious financial challenges.

The financial picture for PDY has improved markedly, as a result of unanticipated increases in revenue, projected savings, reduced energy costs, and teacher union concessions.

These have changed a projected negative balance of $180,000 to a projected positive balance through 2015. An impending November levy has been delayed until May, 2014, because of these changes.


Superintendent Pike-Delta-York Local School District Delta, Ohio