Cut federal office funds to save cash


Because governmental funding for essential services is on hold, the most practical starting point for preserving what is left of our nation’s resources should be to eliminate funding for nonfunctional, nonessential federal programs and services (“GOP changes tactics as D.C. braces for lengthy shutdown,” Oct. 2).

This action would begin with the elimination of heating, air conditioning, telephone services, WiFi, hard-wire Internet connections, and water in all offices and conference areas assigned to members of Congress.

All clerical personnel who are assigned to the legislative branch should be put on unpaid leave or reassigned. The processing of lawmakers’ travel and entertainment vouchers, retirement program contributions, health insurance premiums, and franking privileges needs to be shelved, pending passage of a workable federal budget.

If a federally funded operation is dysfunctional, de-fund it.

Westcastle Drive

Both sides are uncooperative
The government is shut down because our President and Congress cannot or will not work together. When the President wants to spend, and raise the debt limit over and over to pay for the overspending, we end up with gridlock.

Then Mr. Obama tells the American people he will not negotiate with Congress over the debt limit, and that Republicans are to blame for shutting down the government to get what they want.

Republicans want to reduce spending and keep the debt limit as is or reduce it, and they refuse to back off. Republicans hold everything they can hostage to get their way.

The public wants to cut the deficit and keep the government operating, and we want our elected officials to work for us.

Springfield Township


Obama wrongly acts like a king
President Obama said he isn’t going to let the GOP blackmail him into getting concessions (“President stands firm on reform,” Sept. 27). Why is he acting like he is king of America?

He said that no Congress before this one has been irresponsible enough to threaten an economic shutdown just to blackmail a president into making concessions.

I hope all those who voted for Mr. Obama are happy that they elected a man who thinks he can just do what he wants.

South Reynolds Road


Health-care law needs to be equal
President Obama is not a king. A bad health-care law that is not equally applicable to the public and lawmakers should not go forward.

I’m OK with letting government shut down.

Pinestead Drive