Yes, voters should map their politics


I agree with Blade Editor David Kushma’s Nov. 3 column, “Ohioans, let’s map our own politics.” So many voters are blinded by one issue and don’t see the big picture and how it affects them on a personal level.

Many people listen to hype, and don’t pay attention to facts. This lack of knowledge of facts as opposed to perceptions allows people to make false choices.

I hope voters will see what has happened because of gerrymandering and insist on change.




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Gerrymandering anti-democratic

Ohio voters threw away their chance to run gerrymandering out of Ohio. The League of Women Voters and other groups did not have the money to compete with the resources behind the opposition. Now we are saddled with questionable representation.

The United States is a de facto aristocracy. Gerrymandering takes healthy competition out and replaces it with people who go into office with an anti-democratic bias, bolstered by anti-democratic funding and other support.

Gov. John Kasich has kept his promise to bring more business to Ohio. He just forgot to say it would be monkey business.




Peaceful Muslims should unite

With unrest and violence escalating throughout the Muslim world, President Obama proclaimed at the United Nations that the world is more stable than it was five years ago (“Talking to Tehran,” guest editorial, Sept. 26). How could this be?

Does he not recognize that the Fort Hood shootings, the Boston Marathon bombings, the slaughter in Benghazi, and the murder and maiming of thousands of innocent men, women, and children around the globe are the work of Islamic terrorists?

Until the majority of peaceful Muslims unite to condemn and eradicate these murderers who commit atrocities in the name of Allah, non-Muslims will continue to find the Islamic faith threatening and dangerous, and not the peaceful, loving, and tolerant religion that they profess.




Police chases need to be banned

Why not ban high-speed police chases within the Toledo city limits (“Toledoan allegedly hit man during car chase,” Oct. 22)?

Why do we have high-speed chases? Many times all over the country, members of the public and police officers have been hurt or killed as the result of a chase. Let’s not let anyone else get hurt.


Monclova Township