Collins: Right man, right plan


Congratulations to Toledo Mayor-elect D. Michael Collins (“Fresh off victory, Collins sets sights on transition; Toledo’s mayor-elect says new job won’t change him,” Nov. 7).

This city needs a person who can talk to citizens, not pat them on the back and follow his own agenda. Toledo needs a lot of work, and someone in leadership with good business sense.

Mr. Collins has the right plan. With guidance, he will improve this city.


Cherry Hill Road


Submit a letter to the editor


Hopes that Collins holds tax line

How is Mr. Collins going to make good on his campaign promises without raising taxes?

Toledo’s financial situation and our local economy are still not stable. Where is the money going to come from to reopen and maintain the shuttered Northwest District police station?

I hope he has a plan. And I hope it doesn’t involve raising my taxes.


Robinwood Avenue


ONU’s changes give no relief

In response to your Oct. 11 article “ONU promises to slash tuition; Effort touts 20% cut, graduation warranty; true savings unclear”:

My son is a freshman at Ohio Northern University. He’s been told that while his tuition bill is being cut by about 20.7 percent, his scholarship/​grant money is being reduced by about 34 percent. This leaves his out-of-pocket expenses the same.

This is public deception. I’m pleased with ONU’s high-quality education, fine facilities, and initiative. But this program should not be seen as providing some sort of subsidy for the public.


Hamilton, Ohio


Hearing directly from God an issue

When Opal Covey, Toledo’s political prophetess, claims divine revelation from God, The Blade ridicules her. But when the Rev. Tony Scott, pastor of The Church on Strayer, claims that God has allowed a message to germinate in his soul and blossom, you behave like a groupie at a Grateful Dead concert (“Graceful prophecy; Maumee pastor passionate about fighting racism,” Oct. 5).

Pastor Scott’s message is on race relations and the brotherhood of man, which are wonderful sermon topics. However, when a man says “God told me this” or “God told me that,” run.

People such as Ms. Covey gladden my heart. People such as Pastor Scott frighten me.

Pastor Scott has the same access to the word and will of God as you and I have. My understanding of Scripture boils down to this: There are two types of people in the world, forgiven sinners and unforgiving sinners.


Franklin Avenue


Babies should be adoption focus

The Blade has an item, “Now available for adoption,” about dogs. How about having another item featuring babies for adoption?

