Loss of jobless aid is no help


I have been out of work since Feb. 22, 2013. I don’t understand how cutting my unemployment benefits will get me a job any sooner (“Extend jobless aid,” editorial, Jan. 3).

I’m 58 years old and have 40 years of experience as a welder, fabricator, and machine builder. The last 28 of those years, I was in supervision and manufacturing management.

I apply for at least 15 jobs a week. When I finally get an interview, I’m told that I’m overqualified, which I take to mean that I meet the needs and then some.

If I am overqualified, you would think that I would get a job. I think I don’t get hired because of my age.

I always had been able to get a job. But now, no one will hire me. I wish someone would explain to me and the other 1.3 million people with the same problem how cutting our unemployment benefits will change that.


Bapst Avenue


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Diocese leader not surprising choice

Like many other Catholics in Toledo, I was at first surprised to hear that the Rev. Charles Ritter was named administrator of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo (“Temporary leader of diocese hopes for a brief mission; Ritter: ‘No innovation’ allowed,” Dec. 30). Why would a 71-year-old priest want to do that job?

But to those who know Father Ritter as I do, it’s not that surprising. We at St. Joseph Parish in Sylvania have had the pleasure of having Father Ritter as our associate pastor for the past four years.

What a blessing he has been to our parish. He is the right person to keep the diocese on course.

We will welcome him back to his full-time ministry at St. Joseph as soon as our new bishop is installed.




Gun issue speaks to our history

Reading our country’s history might help the writer of the Dec. 27 Readers’ Forum letter “NRA at core of gun inaction” understand the groundswell of resistance to more gun control in the United States.

Our country’s fight for independence from Great Britain was started in part because of gun control. British troops marched to Lexington and Concord to confiscate firearms and gunpowder from local militias and citizens. Their attempt failed.

The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 to promote marksmanship. It has evolved into its present form because of its members’ desire not to surrender one of this nation’s vital freedoms.


Oak Grove Place


Firefighters lauded for alarms

The Toledo Fire Department did a crackerjack job of installing three smoke alarms in my home recently. City residents can request this help to keep them safe.

These installations often are a thankless routine for our firefighters. They need to know that what they do in this regard is vital. I thank the fire department for providing this crucial service.


Rockspring Road