Sparks’ double dip a disservice


Let’s not be duped by Dean Sparks saying his double dipping is to help Lucas County Children Services (“Sparks to retire, return next day; Leader says his ‘double dip’ to help Children Services,” Feb. 21). It is about greed.

Where is the reward for the people who worked under him for years? Now that their time has come to move up in the wake of his retirement, he returns.

If he truly wanted to help, he would do the job for free. Who wants to stay in Toledo when there is no room for advancement?




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Extend Sparks’ deal to others

I applaud the directors of Lucas County Children Services for asking Mr. Sparks to retire, then rehiring him to save the county money. It was refreshing to see a government group doing something to help.

Why aren’t all county departments extending the same opportunity to employees with more than 30 years of service? The employees may not be interested, but they should at least be given the chance to help the county.


Monclova Township


Programs help troubled students

Your Jan. 16 editorial “Suspending education” highlighted a number of issues that Toledo citizens well know. The new preventive disciplinary system used in six Toledo Public Schools buildings was implemented at the behest of Toledoans United for Social Action.

Parents, citizens, and churches requested that TPS implement this program. TUSA is pleased that this program is working so effectively.

In addition to the Pickett/​Frederick Douglass Alternative to Suspension program, the Padua Possibilities Program has been in operation for six academic years, and has served nearly 600 children in four TPS schools.

In addition to academic assistance, children involved in the Padua program participate in a coaching conversation and in group peace education activities. These aspects of the program equip students with the skills to enhance their possibility of succeeding in the classroom.

These programs are evidence of the concerns and partnerships of citizens of Toledo and TPS to give our youths the best opportunities to succeed.



Padua Center

Nebraska Avenue


Answers needed to gun-case article

Since The Blade always supports gun-control legislation, it would have been interesting if you had done a complete report on the violations mentioned in your Jan. 24 article “21 federal firearms violation cases filed in Toledo in 2013.”

How many violations were by law-abiding citizens who misused their firearms? How many individuals had valid concealed carry permits? I suspect the answers would not support The Blade’s anti-gun bias.

