Call to action on climate a priority


Blade Editor David Kushma’s May 11 op-ed column about global warming is the finest newspaper analysis of this crisis in more than 20 years (“Climate change isn’t a threat to Ohio — it’s real, now”).

People who downplay this crisis are betraying their loved ones, particularly our children and grandchildren, who will suffer most if this crisis is not met head on now.

There is a way to solve this crisis economically. Animal manure from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations is a huge problem, and the primary cause of toxic algae in Lake Erie.

CAFO animal manure can be used to reduce the carbon dioxide generated at coal-fired power plants by partially replacing coal. A pound of dry manure has energy value equal to that of a pound of coal. CAFOs are a huge opportunity.


Sylvania Township

Editor’s note: The writer is chief executive officer of RCRA Clean Energy Solutions Inc.


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Student-athletes’ union to spur taxes

I think it’s a great idea for student-athletes to join a union (“Union ruling a step toward justice in college sports,” op-ed column, April 3). Everybody will benefit when they become employees of universities, because they will start paying taxes on their tuition, books, meals, and lodging.

Also, they can start paying into the university’s pension fund, and pay their portion of health insurance costs.


South Watercrest Drive


Sister Cities notes compassion theme

I thank everyone who helped make Toledo Sister Cities International’s annual festival a success (“Drumming support for Toledo’s sister city,” April 27).

Five years ago, TSCI decided it was time to resurrect the idea of a festival that celebrated the many ethnicities and cultures found throughout the Toledo area. To TSCI’s delight, the community has responded favorably to what has become the kickoff of the local festival season.

This year’s festival theme was “Embracing a World of Compassion.” When I proposed that theme, I had no idea that a conference devoted exclusively to compassion would be coming to Toledo on the same weekend as our festival.

Toledo is in the forefront of incorporating inclusiveness and appreciation of diversity as hallmarks of who we are and what we stand for. May our welcoming nature and commitment to these wonderful values continue for many generations to come.


Executive Director Toledo Sister Cities International One Government Center


We follow budget, why not Congress?

My wife and I were born poor and had to watch every penny we earned. We had to budget while we raised our children.

So how can Congress not watch its budget and spend the way it does? My pet peeve is spending on foreign aid when we have needy people here.

