Companies are miscast as people


First, there was the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling, which said a corporation is a person (“Not a prayer,” editorial, July 1). That enables chief executive officers to channel billions of corporate dollars to candidates who will do their bidding in Washington.

Now, according to the Hobby Lobby ruling, the religious beliefs of those who run corporations can trump the personal rights of their employees. Corporations are not people and they shouldn’t have individual political or religious rights.

The Supreme Court left the door open for corporations to run to court, saying they can discriminate in a variety of other ways. What’s next?


Homerdale Avenue


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Birth-control distinction vital

The families who own the Hobby Lobby chain and Conestoga Wood Specialties do not have an issue with methods of birth control that prevent pregnancies (“Court lets firms opt out of birth control coverage; Religious objections to health-care law allowed,” July 1).

They object to providing forms of birth control that prevent embryos from implanting in uteruses, which the families equate with abortion. This distinction should have been more prominent in your coverage.



Ruling hurts women, who vote

I am appalled at the Hobby Lobby ruling. Does this not force employees to abide by the religious beliefs of those who own the companies they work for?

This is a huge step backward for American women. But remember, we can vote.



Advocating for babies pays off

Congratulations to the writer of the June 22 Readers’ Forum letter “Why advocate for clinic, not babies?” Where are the babies’ rights? A baby cannot speak for itself.

My grandson could have been aborted, but that never was an option. My then-16-year-old daughter wouldn’t have considered it, and my wife and I were willing to help her.

Keeping and raising the baby cost time and money, but it was worth it. Today, his mother is involved in right to life activities, and he works in a hospital emergency room. We are pleased with both of them.

For the unwed mother, there is help. Many folks want to adopt.



Editorial cartoon omitted a group

Kirk Walters' June 24 editorial cartoon didn't mention a group that should be included in Ohio’s high infant mortality rate: unborn children who are sacrificed before birth. The hearse he drew would need to be larger if those babies were included.


Bowling Green