On marriage, judges trump will of voters


Your Aug. 9 editorial “Marriage equality” refers to people who support the legalization of gay marriage as being on the right side of the fight. In 2004, Ohioans picked their right side, voting to limit the definition of marriage to a union between one man and one woman. Now a handful of liberal judges has trampled on those votes in a shameful display of injustice.

Throughout the ages, marriage has been taught as a blessed union of a man (Adam) and a woman (Eve). It should remain so.

Marriage of any other kind is an unholy act.


Grand Rapids, Ohio


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Rising wages hurt America

I take exception to John McNay’s Aug. 17 guest column, “Senate Bill 5 remains an emblem of Kasich’s extreme agenda.” The power of labor unions plays a large role in Ohio’s economy. The unions’ endless push for wage and benefit increases for its members drives up the cost of goods and services.

In my first job, I was paid $1.65 an hour. I had enough money to make car payments, pay Mom and Dad rent, and take my girlfriend out once a week. It’s noble to want all workers to make as much as possible, but it’s not realistic.

What has the United States really gained by increasing wages? Our labor is now so costly that foreign countries have taken over much of America’s production. Companies will continue to raise prices to cover the cost of labor.

An increase in wages should be tied to merit, not union edicts.


306th Street


Crisis should force swift action

Toledo’s do-not-drink advisory should be the last wake-up call we ever need to stop polluting our precious fresh water. It will take big dollars and tough decisions to correct the problem.

Farmers and residents will have to change the fertilizers they use. Every business and person must take individual responsibility.

Now is not the time for officials to form another committee that will simply apply a bandage with no real results. Lake Erie and the Maumee River are tremendous assets to our region, and we must take immediate action to stop the contamination of these waterways.




V.A. serves well, despite bad press

I am a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who is saddened by all the negative news about veterans hospitals. I have been going to the Veterans Affairs facilities in Ann Arbor and Toledo since 1979.

I have always been treated with respect. I think both the Ann Arbor and Toledo facilities do a wonderful job, especially since they serve such a large number of veterans.

