Online Letters to the Editor: 6/19


These letters to the editor were published online only. Click here to submit a letter to the editor.

Many parents support kids' activities

This is in response to the June 2 letter “Parents need to support kids’ activities.”

Let me fill you in on the level of support Woodmore parents have for their children. As a baseball parent myself, I’ve seen it firsthand. The parents work hard to support their children. They work as coaches. They work the concession stand. They work the scoreboard. They keep the score book. They do the fund-raisers. They work as cheerleaders. They work to launder that red dirt out of the white uniforms. They work on skills drills with their sons in the backyard. They weight train and run with their child outside of practice. They work to capture photographic memories and make the keepsakes and presents for the seniors and coaches. They prepare snacks and treats for the team. They pick up and drop off their child every day at practice, sometimes rearranging their schedule when time and location change at the last minute.

They work to make sure homework is done. They sit outside in the stands for three-hour stretches in freezing cold and burning heat (on alternating days). They take their child to the doctor and physical therapy appointments when they are injured. They work a full-time job to monetarily support their child and buy all the equipment he needs. And yes, since the games start at 4:30 or 4:45, the parents often have to miss the beginning of the game because they are working.

Parents also sometimes miss one child’s game because they are busy supporting another child’s activities. Being a baseball parent is a hard job. For parents of seniors who have been playing baseball since they were 5-years-old, we have been doing this for 13 years. Many of the kids play multiple sports. Many of us have multiple children. So we do this all year, every year for a seemingly endless number of years. Woodmore parents work hard to support their athletes. Do not believe anything you hear to the contrary.




Gas company after every last cent

I received my monthly gas bill recently. I owe 20 cents! If this is not paid soon, I will be charged a 1.5 percent penalty.

My bill is paid on time. I've never missed. I’m usually overpaid and have a credit.

I’m really disturbed by this, but thought all The Blade readers would enjoy a good laugh.


Aberdeen Avenue