To the editor: Why not try sterilizing deer herd?


"Deer are such beautiful, gentle animals. Live and let live."

The Blade ran an article last year about residents of Clifton, Ohio, along with the Cincinnati parks system, going into a “deer fertility pilot program.” 

The groups found a deer management company and raised money for the first year. They gained local and state support thereafter.

Instead of the short term (will have to be repeated) deer kill that Ottawa Hills and the Toledo Metroparks agreed on, why can’t we have a sterilization program put in place? That would be beneficial to all sides.

Deer are such beautiful, gentle animals. Live and let live.

Alvin Street

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Israelis are not innocent victims

It was surprising, and appalling, that The Blade would print Cal Thomas’ “Hatred in Mideast runs deeper than Jared Kushner realizes” on Dec. 7.

The problem is not hatred for the Jews as a people, but the actions of an Israeli government intent on a land grab, its disregard for U.N. resolutions, and its brutal treatment of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza.

The United States has not been an honest broker in the peace talks, always favoring Israel, and now the great giveaway.

Archbold, Ohio

Judges must work with police on guns

I read Toledo Police Chief George Kral’s pledge to drop the “hammer” on felons who have terrorized Toledo with their use of guns against citizens, and of course, against police officers (Dec. 7, “2017 homicides approach totals not seen in years”).

In the same issue of The Blade, there was an article about a young man who police arrested for misuse of a firearm in a vehicle and firing over a roadway. A local judge released this man on “his own recognizance.”

It appears to me that the police are dead-set against allowing guns and felons to run rampant in Toledo. But when will the judiciary follow suit? 

If someone recklessly handles a firearm and places a lot of people in danger, why would we expect him to suddenly become law-abiding and appear in court as instructed? Maybe that judge should have a conversation with Chief Kral.
