To the editor: Use funds to fix up our schools

President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 16 in Washington.
President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 16 in Washington.

After reading Rachel Cohen’s Jan. 11 column, “Public school buildings are falling apart, and Congress should act,” I got an idea. Why doesn’t President Trump save the $18 billion he plans on using for the wall and use it to fund public school buildings?

This way he can do some good for students and put children first.


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President fails to heed own words

Last Friday, President Trump signed a proclamation declaring Jan. 15 as a day to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. He stated that it was “a day to celebrate his legacy and pledge to fight for his dream of equality, freedom, justice, and peace.”

On Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, President Trump spent the day at his private club in Florida. He was probably looking for some orphans to help or hungry people to feed on the golf course.


Double standard used against Trump

It seems that political correctness and the double standard are alive and well in today’s politics. 

The President is being vilified for his alleged comment in a meeting, where attendees can’t even agree on whether the remark was made.

In contrast, it was reported a couple years ago in The Atlantic that Barack Obama referred to Libya as a s**t show. On that occasion, there was nary a peep, much less an uproar. 

In 2013, Sen. Lindsey Graham commented in an immigration meeting that people in “hellhole” countries all want to come to the U.S.

This evidence speaks for itself.


Police need to be on Toledo streets

The Toledo Police Department should have their officers leave their cars and go on foot patrol, rather than just writing tickets.

When was the last time, besides at a concert or sporting event, that officers patrolled Toledo streets in the winter?

Ottawa Hills

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