Red Cross calls for donations of blood in region


American Red Cross officials have put out a call for blood, specifically for Type O and Type A-negative.

The levels of the two types of blood kept by the agency has fallen below a one-day supply, officials said.

Area residents interested in helping to replenish the supply can do so by donating at various locations in Lucas, Sandusky, Henry, Ottawa, Seneca, Wood, and Fulton counties. Blood drives also will be held in Monroe County.

The American Red Cross Western Lake Erie Region needs to collect 300 units of donated blood per day to provide an adequate supply to its 24 area hospitals throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan.

To donate blood, volunteers must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. Donors must be in good general health, feel well the day of the donations, and have not donated whole blood within the previous 56 days.

For more information on where to donate, call 419-539-1009 or 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.