Wood County to collect unused medications


BOWLING GREEN — As part of the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Sept. 25, Wood County will offer residents five locations where they can drop off unused and unwanted prescription drugs.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., area residents may drop off the drugs into secured containers, no questions asked. No liquid medication, syringes, or pill bottles will be accepted.

Prescription medication may be dropped off in Bowling Green at Wood County Hospital, 950 West Wooster St.; Wood County Sheriff's Office, 1960 East Gypsy Lane Rd., or Behavioral Connections, 1010 North Prospect St.; in Perrysburg at Behavioral Connections, 27072 Carronade Dr., or in North Baltimore at the police department, 203 North Main St.

Sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the first-time event is intended to prevent the abuse and theft of prescription medication.