Toledo City Council weighs shifting paramedic program


Toledo City Council could vote next week to end the city’s paramedic training at Owens Community College in favor of shifting the year-long program to a more modern facility at the University of Toledo.

Toledo Fire Chief Luis Santiago said UT’s simulation center, on the campus of the former Medical College of Ohio, is appealing.

“The resources available would be night and day,” the chief said in comparing the two facilities.“We are going to be integrated with nursing students, medical students. … This is going to be the hub of emergency medical training.”

The city pays Owens $3,000 to $5,000 per student. The city budgeted $158,500 for the 2013 cost plus $22,000 for office space. The ordinance before Toledo City Council would authorize the city to sign a $158,500 annual contract with UT.