UM freshman lineman sustains neck injury


ANN ARBOR --Ondre Pipkins, a freshman defensive lineman on the University of Michigan football team, suffered a neck injury during a preseason practice this morning. In a statement released by the Michigan athletic department, Wolverines coach Brady Hoke confirmed Pipkins' injury and his hospitalization.

"He had movement in all extremities and was taken to U-M Health System for precautionary reasons and evaluation," Hoke said in a statement.

Pipkins, a 6-foot-3, 340-pound freshman from Kansas City, has received praise from the Michigan upperclassmen during preseason practices.

The injury to Pipkins is the third of the preseason for the Wolverines. Wide receiver Roy Roundtree underwent arthroscopic surgery last week to remove cartilage in his knee and is expected to return for Michigan's season opener Sept. 1 against Alabama in Arlington, Texas. Whitmer graduate Chris Wormley tore his ACL during practice Tuesday and Hoke said Thursday that Wormley will miss the season.