Mayor Ford hosts program at museum


Toledo Mayor Jack Ford will host A Very Special Summit on Arts, Education, and Technology from noon to 4 p.m. Friday in the Toledo Museum of Art's Peristyle, 2445 Monroe St. Author Richard Florida will discuss the “Rise of the Creative Class in Greater Toledo.”

Florida is known for his work in assisting cities to restructure their economic plans through tolerance, talent, and technology. Although free and open to the public, an RSVP is requested. Information: 419-245-1494.

Bowsher High School art teacher Diane Klein has been given the 2003 Ohio High School Art Educator of the Year Award.

She was honored Thursday at the annual convention of the Ohio Art Education Association, which this year was held in Toledo. The event, featuring some 500 Ohio educators, was held at the SeaGate Convention Centre. Klein has taught at Bowsher since 1998 and holds a seat on the Toledo Museum of Art education advisory board.

She received her bachelor's degree in art education from Bowling Green State University in 1987 and her master's degree in art education from the University of Toledo in 1994.

The Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St., is displaying The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke in Gallery 32 through May, 2004.

The Victorian masterpiece by Richard Dadd is on loan to Toledo from the Tate Gallery in London. Dadd studied at the Royal Academy Schools from 1837-42 and had earned a name for himself as a fairy painter prior to his departure in 1842 on a journey to Greece and the Middle East with a patron. The loan is linked to VJ Block Fits: Block Depth: 3.36i Expansion 0i (D7) the Toledo Museum's loan of J.M.W. Turner's Campo Santo Venice to the exhibition “Turner and Venice” on view in London, then at the Kimbell Museum of Art in Fort Worth, Texas.

The Northwestern Ohio Watercolor Society presents its annual Watercolorama 2003 exhibition through November at the Franciscan Theatre & Convention Centerof Lourdes College, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, on view now through Nov. 30. The all-watercolor display will feature paintings by professional area artists who have earned top regional and national honors. Exhibit hours vary, but it is usually open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, Sunday through Saturday, depending on scheduled events at the Center.