Blues Challenge begins Sunday


The Black Swamp Blues Society will present its ninth annual Blues Challenge beginning Sunday to send local blues musicians to Memphis in January to represent the Toledo area in the Blues Foundation's 22nd annual International Blues Challenge.

The contest kicks off at Mickey Finn's Pub, 602 Lagrange St., with preliminary competition Sunday, and again Oct. 9. The winners from the preliminaries will be chosen by a panel of three judges and compete at the finals Oct. 22. All three events are scheduled at 7 p.m.

Jeff Sigurdson, society spokesman, said eight performers will compete in the preliminary events. Each group has less than 30 minutes to perform before the judges, who represent out-of-town blues societies or establishments.

Sunday competitors include Catfish Creek, the Harley-Packer Band, Josh Boyd & the VIP Band, and the Rollers in the band category, and Bob & Frank May and Robert Lamb in the solo/duo category. Band performers on Oct. 9 are Frostbite, Groovebone, the Primary Blues Band, and last year's winner, Simon Carter, and solo performers are Michael Fisher and last year's winner Patrick Lewandowski.

The society, which celebrates its 10th anniversary next year, is a nonprofit organization formed to preserve and support the history, the heritage, and the future of the blues, said Sigurdson.

The ninth annual Blues Challenge, presented by the Black Swamp Blues Society, is scheduled to hold preliminary competitions Sunday, and again on Oct. 9. Finals are scheduled Saturday, Oct. 22. All events will be at 7 p.m. at Mickey Finn's Pub, 602 Lagrange St. Admission: $5. Information: 419-666-2021 or 419-478-2539.