Ohio Light Opera opening season


The Ohio Light Opera will launch its 2007 Summer Festival at 8 p.m. June 22 with a revival of The Sound of Music in the Freedlander Theater on the College of Wooster campus, Wooster, Ohio.

Presented in repertory will be six other musicals, Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance, and Princess Ida, Romberg's The Student Prince, Offenbach's Bluebeard, Zeller's Der Vogelhandler (The Birdseller), and Kalman's The Duchess of Chicago.

Michael Borowitz of the Nevada Opera is the new music director and will join principal guest conductor J. Lynn Thompson at the podium.

Performances are scheduled Tuesday-Sunday until Aug. 11. Individual tickets are $15 to $40, with group discounts and special packages available by phone at 330-263-2345 or online at http://olo.wooster.edu/index.php.


The second in the Summer Sing series at the University of Toledo is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Recital Hall of the Center for the Performing Arts. Richard Mathey, professor emeritus from Bowling Green State University, will conduct John Rutter's Mass for Children. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. Cost per session is $11 and includes all music and refreshments at break.


The Detroit Symphony Orchestra will present a special Father's Day concert featuring writer-storyteller Garrison Keillor in comedy sketches with music. The 3 p.m. Sunday event will be in Orchestra Hall, 3711 Woodward Ave., Detroit.

Tickets, $38.50 to $68.50, are available by phone at 313-576-5111 or online at www .detroitsymphony.com.


Opera Cleveland's 2007 debut season continues with performances of Verdi's La Traviata at 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Sunday in the Cleveland Play House, 8500, Euclid Ave. Standby seating is available for these performances and those at 7 p.m. June 20 and 23 and 2 p.m. June 24.

The company is the result of a merger between Cleveland Opera and Lyric Opera Cleveland. Jeff Sodowsky is executive director; Leon Major is artistic director; and Richard Buckley is principal conductor.

Tickets are available for July performances of Britten's The Turn of the Screw and August performances of Sondheim's A Little Night Music. Information: www.operacleveland.com.