Maureen Davis in Toledo for concert


A homecoming for Sylvania singer Maureen Davis has morphed into a full-blown concert this weekend to unveil her new CD, The Flutterbies featuring Maureen Davis.

The disc is a rocking affair, mixing tasty slide guitar work with Davis soulful vocals that echo a bit of Bonnie Raitt.

Davis is a Southview High School graduate who attended the University of Toledo and was in the original cast of the Broadway production Into the Woods with Bernadette Peters.

While living in Hollywood, she has produced music for a number of television shows, including House, Dexter, and My Name Is Earl.

In town this weekend for a family gathering, she has performed all over the world and recently toured with Michelle Shocked. Davis coaches rock bands and has taught classic rock vocals to students at the School of Rock and Rock Nation.

She ll perform Sunday with members of her former Toledo band, Mo & The Movers. The concert is at The Zodiac, 135 South Byrne Rd., and the cover charge is $5. The opening band is Steve Athanas and the Coosters, who will kick things off at 8 p.m.