Scene: The Kirbys


Lineup: The Kirbys are four lawyers and two guys who work for a living. The group is fronted by lead singer and baseball fan Scotty "Hey, you got a warrant for that trunk?" Schwab. Aside from Gary Woytyshyn's duties as bassist and lead guitarist, he serves as the band's announcer, trivia archivist, and twisted historian. Drawing inspiration from his northern Michigan folk music roots, rhythm guitarist Mike Kirby is the mother of the band and the group's spiritual adviser. Drummer Jeff "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Drums" Dudek was raised by wolves in southern Ohio and is wanted in several states on various morals charges. Tom Overley, born deep in the Bayou, recently escaped the blues to share the duties of lead guitarist for the band. Formerly a music critic for The Blade, Jim Yavorcik gave away all pretense of credibility and now finds himself playing bass for The Kirbys. Original band member Neil Light was lost to cancer on Feb. 8 and is greatly missed.

Year formed:1997

Sounds a little like: A slightly out-of-control garage band.

Influences: The Beatles, The Yardbirds, The Animals, The Zombies, 1910 Fruitgum Company

Favorite local venues: Shorty's True American Roadhouse (on the first Thursday of every month)

Web site: The Kirbys can be found on Facebook and MySpace

Upcoming events: Shorty's tonight, Nov. 3, and Dec. 1; the Old Newsboys benefit on Dec. 3 at John's Corner Bar; and will be joining Jingle Balls for a benefit Dec. 16 at Mickey Finn's to raise funds for the Neil Light-Joe Loeffler Scholarship Fund.