Nashville’s best showcased

Brooks, Yearwood on hand to honor writers

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    Trisha Yearwood is accompanied by her husband, Garth Brooks, as she sings "Wind Beneath My Wings," a song written by Larry Henley, as Henley is inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame.


  • Trisha Yearwood is accompanied by her husband, Garth Brooks, as she sings
    Trisha Yearwood is accompanied by her husband, Garth Brooks, as she sings "Wind Beneath My Wings," a song written by Larry Henley, as Henley is inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame.

    NASHVILLE — Kim Wil­liams hes­i­tated only slightly when asked who he thinks has been the best in­ter­preter of his songs be­fore the start of the Nash­ville Song­writ­ers Hall of Fame in­duc­tion cer­e­mony.

    “That’s tough, but I’d say it would have to be Garth Brooks be­cause I wrote them with him,” Wil­liams said. “He was part of the songs, too, be­fore he sang them. We had so much fun writ­ing to­gether.”

    They had a load of fun to­gether Sun­day night, too.

    Brooks and his wife Tr­isha Year­wood were on hand to help cel­e­brate this year's in­duct­ees — Wil­liams, Tony Arata, Mary Chapin Car­pen­ter, and Larry Hen­ley. Brooks sa­luted Wil­liams and Arata, while Year­wood paid trib­ute to Car­pen­ter and Hen­ley, the writer of the en­dur­ing hit “The Wind Be­neath My Wings.”

    “Over 200 art­ists have recorded ‘The Wind Be­neath My Wings,’ so it's kind of how do you do a new twist?” Year­wood said be­fore the cer­e­mony. “And with Chapin, I've just known her a long, long time, so it was a no-brainer when she asked me.”

    Brooks sang “New Way To Fly,” “Papa Loved Mama,” and “Three Wooden Crosses” to Wil­liams, then sang Arata's “The Dance.”

    The Nash­ville Song­writ­ers As­so­ci­a­tion In­ter­na­tional also gave out its yearly song­writ­ing awards. 

    Tay­lor Swift won the song­writer/art­ist of the year award for the fifth time in six years and re­mains at 22 that award's young­est win­ner. 

    Dal­las David­son was named song­writer of the year. And Dolly Par­ton’s en­dur­ing hit “I Will Al­ways Love You,” which reached No. 1 again this year af­ter Whit­ney Hous­ton’s death, was named song of the year.

    DeVito, Per­l­man split

    LOS ANGELES — Danny DeVito and Rhea Per­l­man are break­ing up.

    A spokes­man for DeVito says the cou­ple is sep­a­rat­ing af­ter 30 years of mar­riage. 

    DeVito and Per­l­man mar­ried in 1982 and have three adult chil­dren. The cou­ple worked to­gether on TV's Taxi from 1978 to 1982.

    To­gether, the cou­ple es­tab­lished the pro­duc­tion com­pany Jer­sey Films, which counts Pulp Fic­tion, Erin Brock­ov­ich, and Out of Sight among its cred­its.

    DeVito stars in TV's It's Al­ways Sunny in Phil­a­del­phia. Per­l­man is best known for her long-run­ning role on Cheers.


    NEW YORK — Play­ing a deaf teen on the ABC Fam­ily drama Switched at Birth has put Katie Le­clerc on Hol­ly­wood's ra­dar.

    “I was act­ing for about 10 years be­fore I got Switched, the 25-year-old ac­tress said in a re­cent in­ter­view. “It was all mi­nor things, noth­ing of note. And when I went into the au­di­tion for Switched, I was aware of the po­ten­tial and that this is some­thing that could re­ally launch me.”

    Le­clerc plays Daphne Vasquez, a teen who lost her hear­ing as a child af­ter a bout with men­in­gi­tis. Daphne was switched as a new­born in the hos­pi­tal with an­other baby. She grew up with a sin­gle mother in a work­ing-class neigh­bor­hood while the other child grew up in a wealthy fam­ily with two par­ents and a brother.

    Since the pre­miere of Switched at Birth last year, Le­clerc has landed roles on The Big Bang The­ory and CSI, a sci-fi film, the lead in an up­com­ing Hall­mark Chan­nel movie, and a part on a Web se­ries called Syn­the­sized Life.

    She was fa­mil­iar with Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage be­fore play­ing Daphne. Her sis­ter has an in­ner ear dis­or­der called Men­iere's Dis­ease that can cause hear­ing loss and ver­tigo. Le­clerc learned ALS in high school and re­al­ized af­ter­ward that she also has Men­iere's.

    Switched at Birth airs Mon­days.