Film at Valentine rescheduled

  • CTY-RHODY-VISITS-1-12-15-99DI


  • An un­der­ground man­hole ex­plo­sion Fri­day af­ter­noon left the Val­en­tine The­atre with­out power from Fri­day to Satur­day.

    The show­ing of the movie An Af­fair to Re­mem­ber with Deb­o­rah Kerr and Cary Grant was post­poned as a re­sult. The pre­sen­ta­tion was a ben­e­fit for the Metroparks of Toledo Lath­rop House and the Val­en­tine.

    The show­ing has been re­sched­uled for Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m. Any­one with tick­ets to Fri­day’s movie can use them on that date. Tick­ets for the fund-raiser are $10 and are still avail­able at the Val­en­tine box of­fice, 419-242.-2787.

    Xbox Mu­sic

    Buy­ers of tab­lets that run Mi­cro­soft's new­est op­er­at­ing sys­tem, Win­dows 8, are in for a pleas­ant mu­si­cal sur­prise.

    They'll be able to pick from mil­lions of songs and stream them for free as long as they put up with an au­dio ad ev­ery 15 min­utes. The new fea­ture, called Xbox Mu­sic, is not on of­fer any­where else at the mo­ment.

    Swe­den's Spotify, for in­stance, al­lows free on-de­mand mu­sic on PCs but not tab­lets. That re­quires a $10 a month sub­scrip­tion.

    Although it marks a step for­ward for the mu­sic in­dus­try, its ap­peal is lim­ited by the ex­pense of most mo­bile data plans. The free ver­sion of Xbox Mu­sic won't let you down­load songs and save them for off­line play­back. That re­quires pay­ing $10 a month.

    Killed in shoot­out

    Mu­si­cian B.B. Cun­ning­ham, Jr., a mem­ber of Jerry Lee Lewis’ band, was killed in a Mem­phis shoot­out early Sun­day, po­lice said.

    Po­lice said Cun­ning­ham was work­ing as a se­cu­rity guard at an apart­ment com­plex on Mem­phis’ south­east side, when he heard a gun­shot and went to in­ves­ti­gate about 2 a.m. Po­lice didn't pro­vide de­tails, but they said when of­fi­cers ar­rived, both the 70-year-old Cun­ning­ham and a 16-year-old boy were found dead from gun­shot wounds.

    Born Blake Baker Cun­ning­ham, Jr., the key­board­ist and singer es­tab­lished a na­tional rep­u­ta­tion in 1965 as a mem­ber of the tour­ing ver­sion of Ron­nie and the Day­tonas, known for the song “G.T.O.” That band even­tu­ally be­came the Hom­bres, which scored a chart hit with “Let It All Hang Out” in 1967.

    After the Hom­bres’ ca­reer slowed, he went to work at the famed Sounds of Mem­phis Stu­dios. In 1971, he moved to Los An­ge­les where he was chief en­gi­neer at Inde­pen­dent Re­cord­ers, work­ing with the likes of Billy Joel, El­ton John, and Lou Rawls. Cun­ning­ham re­turned to Mem­phis a few years later and launched his own stu­dio. He had been a mem­ber of Lewis' band since 1997. His solo al­bum, “Hangin’ In,” was re­leased in 2003.


    Satur­day Night Live par­o­died the vice pres­i­den­tial de­bate with a lit­tle help from the world's fast­est man.

    Ja­mai­can sprinter Usain Bolt dropped by the NBC sketch show's mock de­bate af­ter Taran Kil­lam, play­ing Mitt Rom­ney's run­ning mate, Paul Ryan, claimed he won the 100-me­ter race at the Lon­don Olym­pics. Ryan has been crit­i­cized for ex­ag­ger­at­ing his mar­a­thon time.

    SNL had fun with the vice pres­i­dent can­di­dates fol­low­ing Thurs­day's con­ten­tious de­bate. While Pres­i­dent Obama and Rom­ney's first de­bate didn't of­fer as much ob­vi­ous sat­ire, the show hap­pily skew­ered Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Ryan.

    Ja­son Sudeikis, as Biden, called him­self “Big Daddy Joe” and in­sisted he was “mon­key strong” un­like his younger foe, whom he re­ferred to as “shark eyes.” Kil­lam played Ryan with an Ed­die Mun­ster-like widow's peak.