Community Orchestra entertains Sylvania with pieces by composer Hector Berlioz

Musicians with the Sylvania Community Orchestra concert play during a free performance today at the Olivet Lutheran Church.
Musicians with the Sylvania Community Orchestra concert play during a free performance today at the Olivet Lutheran Church.

Sylvania residents enjoyed a free concert today by the Sylvania Community Orchestra at the Olivet Church.

PHOTO GALLERY: Sylvania Community Orchestra

Funded by the Sylvania Community Arts Commission, the program was called "Hector Barely Owes His Friends," named the man to whom it pays homage, French composer Hector Berlioz, known most for his Symphonie Fantastique.

“The name of the program is a play on his name, and references how he went off on his own as a musical composer without the help of his family or friends,” said Keith Hamen, chairman of the orchestra.

The symphony began with three instrumental pieces from Berlioz’s "The Damnation of Faust," the widely known Hungarian March, Ballet of the Sylphes, and Minuet of the Sprites.

The volunteer orchestra, which had performers from age 8 to 80,  was directed by the Southview Orchestra director Kathleen Hafner.

The program ended with an overture from one of Beethoven's only opera works, "Overture to Fedelio." Berlioz admired Beethoven but never met him.

“Beethoven's music inspired him to venture out of the opera world, where Berlioz started his music career and entered the instrumental music field,” explained Mr. Hamen. Berlioz was known to burn his opera pieces if they did not get the support of his friends.