Man who donated sperm wants DNA test for octuplets


LOS ANGELES A former boyfriend of Nadya Suleman wants DNA testing to determine if he s the father of her 14 children, including her nearly month-old octuplets.

Denis Beaudoin told ABC s Good Morning America on Monday that he donated sperm to Suleman during their three-year relationship in the late 1990s because she claimed to have ovarian cancer.

Suleman denied Beaudoin was the donor she used to conceive her children, ABC said. When pressed, she admitted he had donated sperm to her but was unable to have children, the network said.

Beaudoin still wants DNA testing. He said was misled about why she needed him to make three sperm donations because she couldn t have kids and, you know, it turned into this.

Regardless of whether DNA tests show he is the father, Beaudoin pledged to help Suleman, because it s hard nowadays to raise two kids, let alone 14 kids.

Beaudoin is divorced and has two children from the marriage.

Suleman has not responded to repeated interview requests from The Associated Press. Her phone has been disconnected and she no longer has a publicist.

All 14 of her children were conceived through in vitro fertilization, with sperm from an unidentified, platonic friend, the 33-year-old mother has said.

Single and unemployed, Suleman gave birth to octuplets on Jan. 26. She already had six other children.

Beaudoin, who said his mother is black and his father is white, claims Suleman s older children bear a resemblance to him. Suleman s father is Arabic and her mother is Lithuanian, according to public documents.