Rotting whale is gigantic problem in Malibu

Rotting whale carcass on Malibu shore posing gigantic cleanup problem near celebrity homes


MALIBU, Calif. (AP) — A whale carcass rotting near celebrity homes in Malibu is causing a gigantic cleanup problem as authorities try to decide who's responsible for getting rid of it.

City News Service says the 40,000-pound carcass of a male fin whale washed up Monday between Paradise Cove and Point Dume. Experts say its injuries suggest it was hit by a ship.

A Malibu spokeswoman says the city isn't sure who's responsible for dealing with the 41-foot body, which will have to be towed out to sea at high tide.

Los Angeles County says its department of beaches and harbors isn't responsible. The county says it's a private beach and the state, not the county, controls the tidelands.