Ohioans to play a role in inauguration events

Toledo woman, BGSU graduate to be part of ceremony


A handful of Ohioans will be front and center for President Barack Obama's inauguration.

Toledo autoworker Kenyetta Jones is one of eight “citizen co-chairs” who've been selected to highlight Obama's first-term accomplishments.

Jones spoke at last year's Democratic National Convention about Obama's work to bailout the auto industry.

She'll ride on an inaugural parade float after Obama's swearing-in Monday.

The Miami University Marching Band will be in the parade too.

A Bowling Green State University alumnus and former assistant director and arranger for the university's marching band wrote musical arrangements for the inauguration.

Staff Sgt. Ryan Nowlin is an arranger in the U.S. Marine Band. He created the score that the band will play as it accompanies Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce at the swearing-in ceremony.  He is also the former band director at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School near Cleveland.