Phoenix police say 3 people shot at office complex

This frame grab provided by shows the scene at a Phoenix office complex where police say someone shot at least three people today.
This frame grab provided by shows the scene at a Phoenix office complex where police say someone shot at least three people today.

PHOENIX — Phoenix police said someone shot three people at an office complex today and the shooter's whereabouts were unknown.

Officer James Holmes said the victims were taken to hospitals. He did not know if their injuries were life-threatening.

Holmes said police so far believe there was only one shooter but don't know his whereabouts.

"We have no motive. It is right now a really fluid scene," Holmes said.

He said police were given conflicting information about the suspect leaving the scene. The building was evacuated and police are looking for a suspect or any additional victims.

Vannessa Brogan, who works in sales support in an insurance business in the three-story complex, said she heard a loud bang that she thought at first was from somebody working in or near the building. She said others at the business thought they heard multiple loud noises. She said people locked themselves in offices until authorities evacuated the central Phoenix building that houses insurance, medical and law offices.

Becky Neher, who works for a title company in the building said the two gunshots she heard sounded like two pieces of metal banging against each other.

"We were doing our regular morning routine, and I hear what I guess were two gunshots," she said.

Watching from her second-story office, she saw people leaving the building, she was watching from her second story office.

"Someone yelled, 'We have a shooter,'" she said. She saw two victims lying on the ground outside the back side of the building. She said there are medical people who have offices in the complex, so they came out to help.