Internal review finds firing of rogue ex-LAPD officer Dorner was justified


LOS ANGELES — An internal review by the Los Angeles Police Department has concluded that rogue ex-cop Christopher Dorner was justifiably fired.

Civil rights attorney Connie Rice reviewed the lengthy examination and says it concludes Dorner’s allegations of racism and bias were unfounded.

The LAPD won’t comment until the findings’ expected public release by the city Police Commission this month.

Chief Charlie Beck ordered the review in February while Dorner was on the run. The former officer had posted an online manifesto vowing warfare against the department, officers and their families, in retaliation for what he called his unfair firing in 2008.

Authorities say Dorner killed four people, including two law enforcement officers, during a rampage that ended with his death from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot in a burning cabin.