Food writers subpoenaed in 'pink slime' lawsuit


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Several food writers, including a New York Times reporter, have been subpoenaed as part of a company’s $1.2 billion defamation lawsuit against ABC related to the network’s coverage of a meat product derided as “pink slime.”

Court records show that Times reporter Michael Moss, noted food writer Michele Simon and three reporters from the Food Safety News have been asked for any communications they had with ABC in 2012.

Beef Products Inc. sued ABC in 2012 alleging that its reports led to plant closures and layoffs because it misled consumers into believing the product was unsafe.

A Food Safety News attorney says the online publication will fight the requests and a Times spokesman says Moss’ subpoena has been stayed.

Simon says she doesn’t keep emails dating back to 2012.