Ebola-infected doctor says he is ‘growing stronger every day’


ATLANTA -- Kent Brantly, the American missionary doctor infected with Ebola who recently returned to the U.S. for treatment in Atlanta, said he is “growing stronger every day.”

“I am writing this update from my isolation room at Emory University Hospital, where doctors and nurses are providing the very best care possible,” Brantly said in a statement released today by Samaritan’s Purse, the missionary group that runs the clinic in Liberia where he was working.

Brantly received an experimental treatment developed by San Diego-based Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. Brantly and aid worker Nancy Writebol were both infected while working with aid groups in Liberia. Writebol is also being treated at Emory.

“My focus, however, remains the same -- to follow God,” Brantly wrote. “Please pray for our recovery.”