

Five Monroe residents - Emily DeSloover, Joseph Hess, Jeffrey Kansier, Kacie Kansier, and Rebecca Woodbury - have been awarded the Fallen Firefighters Scholarship by Monroe County Community College. The $750 award may be used for tuition, fees, books, and supplies.

Three of the recipients are 2007 graduates of Monroe High School: Emily is pursuing a degree in psychology, Rebecca is seeking a degree in liberal arts, and Joseph is working on a career in health.

Jeffrey, a 2001 Airport High School graduate, is studying business administration. Kacie graduated in 2005 from Dundee High School and is studying for a degree in special education.

The scholarship was established to provide assistance for Monroe County firefighters and their dependents.

Monroe County Community College has awarded Mercy Memorial Hospital Nursing scholarships to the following students: Marisa Barboza, Sharon Hummer, and Susan Lehmann of Monroe; Judith Bert of Erie, and Dawn Crisman and Judy Drumm of Newport.

The $1,000 scholarship may be used for tuition, books, and fees.

Jeannette Crane of Ottawa Lake, Mich., was awarded the first-ever Richard H. Hicks and Bernice Hicks Nursing Education scholarship by Monroe County Community College. The scholarship of $1,500 may be used for tuition, fees, and books.

The scholarship fund was made possible in 2006 through a bequest by Mr. Hicks, a WW II veteran and businessman.

MCCC has also awarded a scholarship to Kyle McClanahan, a 2007 graduate of Monroe High School, who has received a $1,000 Pepsi scholarship for tuition, books, or fees. Kyle plans to pursue a career in medicine.

Seemi Fatima and Ron Heiserman of Monroe, respiratory therapy students at Monroe County Community College, and nursing students Anjaya Vanslambrouck of Monroe and Judith Bert of Erie have been awarded $1,000 Helen M. and Eugene W. Beach scholarships, established by the couple to assist second-year nursing or respiratory therapy students.