Redone Summerfield Petersburg library preps for holidays

  • Redone-Summerfield-Petersburg-library-preps-for-holidays-2

    Jennifer Wenzel puts final touches on a Christmas tree in the Summerfield Petersburg Branch Library.

    herrallong / toledo blade

  • John and Carla Bocskay brighten their Deerfield home with holiday decorations in preparation for the upcoming tour of businesses, churches, and homes in the Petersburg area.
    John and Carla Bocskay brighten their Deerfield home with holiday decorations in preparation for the upcoming tour of businesses, churches, and homes in the Petersburg area.

    PETERSBURG, Mich. - Doris Sheldon is going all out to decorate the Summerfield Petersburg Branch Library for the holidays.

    Festive Christmas trees sponsored by community businesses and organizations have been placed in the large arched windows in the library, which reopened in January after being closed for several months.

    Jennifer Wenzel puts final touches on a Christmas tree in the Summerfield Petersburg Branch Library.
    Jennifer Wenzel puts final touches on a Christmas tree in the Summerfield Petersburg Branch Library.

    "It is really nice to see the different trees," said Ms. Sheldon, the branch librarian. "We have never had the opportunity to do this type of decorating and include the community to this degree."

    Summerfield Athletic Boosters and Brownie troops 1198 and 884 are among the groups that have contributed to the Festival of Trees.

    The holiday trees are among the delights awaiting visitors for the annual Christmas celebration at the library, which will be open from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, and noon to 9 p.m. Sunday.

    Doris Sheldon adds to the holiday atmosphere in the Summerfield Petersburg Branch Library.
    Doris Sheldon adds to the holiday atmosphere in the Summerfield Petersburg Branch Library.

    The Christmas Home Tour of homes, a church, and businesses will be held Sunday. The tour, which has been held for about 20 years as a library fund-raiser, will begin at 4 p.m. and is sponsored by the Petersburg Lions Club and the Friends of the Library. Tickets can be purchased at the library for $5.

    A hobby train enthusiast group from Maumee has set up a display of miniature trains on tracks in the community room of the library. The display will be available for viewing during the special hours for the weekend.

    A chili soup supper will begin at 4 p.m. Sunday in the community rooms. Home-cooked chili will be available for $4 a bowl.

    Santa Claus will arrive at 4 p.m. Sunday and will read stories to children at 5:30 p.m. A craft table where boys and girls can make holiday ornaments will be available.

    The home tour includes the following homes, church, and businesses:

    The home of Kate Gaertner, 339 East Railroad St. A life-long resident of the city, Mrs. Gaertner will open her 5-year-old home for the tour and will have on display yard ornaments that were made by her late husband, Leroy.

    The couple's collection of ornaments, accumulated during 55 years of marriage, includes ornaments made at the ceramic shop that Mrs. Gaertner operated, gifts from students during her time as a teacher's aide, and souvenirs bought on vacations.

    At 15141 Bentwood Trail, visitors will get to see a 12-foot decorated tree in the great room of Sandie and Rich Stewart. The loft of the home will feature the tree decorated by the couple's grandson that is adorned with antique ornaments.

    Visitors will get to see the home that Sam and Carol Ladd, of 6677 Teal Rd., have lived in since 1972. Mrs. Ladd will display quilts that she made for her family as well as decorated rooms and trees.

    Also on the tour will be the home of Karla and John Bocskay, of 154 North County Line Rd., Deerfield. Mrs. Bocskay's Santa Claus collection, dating back to the mid-1980s, will be featured.

    Monroe Bank & Trust, 15 East Center St., Hair Loft Salon, 180 East Center St., and St. Peters Lutheran Church, 343 East Center St., also will be among the sites on the tour.